
  • Pardayeva Diyora Uzbekistan State World Languages University


the concept of Supernatural, Uzbek folklore, British folklore, folkloric traditions, cultural narratives and beliefs, myths, legends


This article defines the concept of “Supernatural” in Uzbek and British folklore by a comparative analysis of each country’s mythologies, cultural narratives and beliefs. The article explores the ways in which supernatural entities and events are portrayed in various traditions, and the cultural significance that they have, drawing from an extensive array of myths, stories and customs. There are some intriguing similarities between Uzbek and British folklore’s portrayal of the supernatural, despite from their differences in geography and culture, which reflect universal values of human experience and imagination. We can find out  more about the continuing fascination with the supernatural  and how it forms cultural identities and narratives in a variety of countries through studying these folkloric traditions. Furthermore, the combination of abstract-idealistic and realistic imagining of the world is another feature of folklore, which is considered one of the main parts of expressing the notion of  “Supernatural”.


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How to Cite

Pardayeva Diyora. (2024). A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF UZBEK AND BRITISH FOLKLORE: EXPLORING THE CONCEPT OF “SUPERNATURAL”. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 3(2), 83–89. Retrieved from http://www.ijournal.uz/index.php/jartes/article/view/940